We, BlackBook Toy, are proud to announce this collaboration vinyl toy with artist David Flores and HellFire Canyon Club, which bike club Danny Boy of House of Pain runs. Based on David Flores art work, we produced this "Kiss My Ass" sofubi(Soft Vinyl) toy in "MADE IN JAPAN" Undeniable quality!! Notorious Deathshead is posing you "Kiss My Ass". Tough posing like this, he's standing 9" and 9.5" wide. Massive volume!! Sculpted by T9G. This is NINJA edition. This edition is shiny black and matte black combo. Leaving DF iconic BK bold lines clean and beautiful shiny black. And his teeth are bling bling gold. You can easily see how hard we've been working on this full painted one. You can also enjoy coloring postcard front. From this edition, package would be polybag with header card. As a bonus, this edition comes with BBT Skull pin, which is also drawn by David Flores. This NINJA edition would be the last production run of KMA.
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■ 商品説明
その独特のステンドグラス技法で高い人気を誇るアーティスト、David Flores(デイビッド・フローレス)とHouse of PainのDanny Boyが仕切る異色のバイククラブ、HellFire Canyon Club(ヘルファイア・キャニオンクラブ)と我がBlackBook Toyのトリプルコラボフィギュア、Kiss My Ass。DeathsHeadが挑発的に股から顔を覗かせた"Kiss My Ass"ポーズを取ってます。このポーズながらHxW:22.5x24cmと圧倒的なボリュームでMADE IN JAPANソフビにて立体化。原型はお馴染みT9G氏。こちらのツヤありBKとツヤ消しBKのコンボはNINJA edition。このNINJA editionがKiss My Assソフビシリーズ最後の量産となります。マットBKのみのミニマルな彩色がブリンブリンのゴールドの歯を際立たせます。おまけとしてDavid Flores描き下ろしのBBT Skullピンズが付属します。
■ 商品仕様
製品名 | David Flores x HellFire Canyon Club x BlackBook Toy:Kiss My Ass NINJA edition |
型番 | 17058 |
メーカー | BlackBook Toy |
*BIC Plastics製造のDeathsHeadと比較してもその圧倒的なボリュームは一目瞭然。
You can see the massive size of Kiss My Ass compared to DeathsHead produced by BIC.
You can enjoy coloring postcard front.
*おまけのBBT Skullピンズ。こちらもDavid Floresによる描き下ろし。
This NINJA edition comes with BBT Skull pin by David Flores.
Pay Pal:送料含むトータル金額の5%
[For International Buyers]
We would ship this item worldwide by EMS.
The shipping and handling fee for this item to overseas is 2000yen(Asia),3000yen.(North/Central America, Europe,Oceania), 4500yen(South America, Africa). For 2pcs, 2800yen(Asia), 3800yen(North/Central America, Europe, Oceania), 5300yen(South America, Africa)
We, BlackBook Toy, are proud to announce this collaboration vinyl toy with artist David Flores and HellFire Canyon Club, which bike club Danny Boy of House of Pain runs. Based on David Flores art work, we produced this "Kiss My Ass" sofubi(Soft Vinyl) toy in "MADE IN JAPAN" Undeniable quality!! Notorious Deathshead is posing you "Kiss My Ass". Tough posing like this, he's standing 9" and 9.5" wide. Massive volume!! Sculpted by T9G. This is NINJA edition. This edition is shiny black and matte black combo. Leaving DF iconic BK bold lines clean and beautiful shiny black. And his teeth are bling bling gold. You can easily see how hard we've been working on this full painted one. You can also enjoy coloring postcard front. From this edition, package would be polybag with header card. As a bonus, this edition comes with BBT Skull pin, which is also drawn by David Flores. This NINJA edition would be the last production run of KMA.
[How to order]
Please press "カートに入れる(add to cart)" above and complete placing your order.
Once confirmed payment, we would ship by EMS.
For any inquiry about this product, please e-mail to info@blackbooktoy.com
[Artist Profile]
その独特のステンドグラス技法で知られるLAのアーティスト。スケートカンパニー、DeluxeにてREAL、Spitfireなどのグラフィックデザインを手がけ、独立後Stussy、X-Largeなど名だたるストリートアパレルブランドとコラボ。日本での人気も非常に高く、2012年12月には約4年振りとなる日本でのアートショー、"It's been a minute"を我がBlackBook Toy企画にて開催し、大盛況の内に終了。また、House of PainのDanny Boyと非常に仲が良く、Danny Boyが主宰するバイククラブHellFire Canyon ClubとのDeatheadが人気を博しています。我がBlackBook Toyがフィギュア化したこのDeatheadシリーズのDeathead S'murksからは目が離せません!
David FloresオフィシャルHP