*Online sales would start at midnight of Feb 21st(JP). which would be Feb 20th 7am(LA), 10am(NY), 3pm(UK), 10pm(Thailand), 11pm(Hong Kong, Taiwan).
*Please note not a set.
*Please choose one of hairstyles.
From our S"K"UM-kun sofubi series with legendary SK8 Punk Rock band, Suicidal Tendencies!! Everyone's favorite MC colorway is back in upgraded clear YE cast. Super beautiful color way!! You can choose makeup(Normal or Slit Mouth). His vivid red hair is carefully sewn by Japanese craftsman. What's more you can choose one from 4 hairstyles!! We would braid one by one depending on your order. You might don't want to miss this sick edition.
[Customers Overseas]
Please press "add to cart" below and complete placing your order.
Shipping&Handling fee not included.
You can check S&H for each item to scroll down the item page.
You can pay by "Credit Card" or "PayPal".
Here is a link of Currency Converter, this is just for your reference.
Payment must be made in Yen.
Please refer to this page.
■ 商品説明
西海岸スケートパンクの大御所、Suicidal Tendencies(スイサイダル・テンデンシーズ)とのS"K"UM-kunソフビシリーズよりみんな大好きMCカラーが待望の復活。復活と言っても全く同じカラーではなく、今回は美しいクリアYE成型。スカム君の顔はノーマルとあの口裂けメイクの2種あります。久々に登場の植毛は日本の職人が一つ一つ丁寧に縫っています。そんなスカム君の深紅の髪型ですが、今回4種の中からお好きな髪型を一つ選べます。ご注文に応じてBBTで一つ一つ髪型を整えます。
■ 商品仕様
製品名 | Suicidal Tendencies x BlackBook Toy:SKUM-kun Clear MC(not a set) |
型番 | 20021 |
メーカー | BlackBook Toy |
左からMongolian Braid(Mike Muir本人の髪型インスパイアです。), 6 Braids, Straight Hair, 2 Braids(Choloスタイルインスパイアです。)
*Not just makeup on face, you can choose SKUM-kun hairstyle from these 4 hairstyles.
>L-R:Mongolian Braid(Inspired by Mike Muir himself), 6 Braids, Straight Hair, 2 Braids(Inspired by Cholo culture.)
*Mongolian Braid
*6 Braids
*2 Braids
Pay Pal:送料含むトータル金額の5%
[For International Buyers]
We would ship this item worldwide by EMS.
The shipping and handling fee for this item to overseas is 1800yen(Asia),2500yen.(North/Central America, Europe,Oceania), 3200yen(South America, Africa)
Add 600yen for 2nd piece.
From our S"K"UM-kun sofubi series with legendary SK8 Punk Rock band, Suicidal Tendencies!! Everyone's favorite MC colorway is back in upgraded clear YE cast. Super beautiful color way!! You can choose makeup(Normal or Slit Mouth). His vivid red hair is carefully sewn by Japanese craftsman. What's more you can choose one from 4 hairstyles!! We would braid one by one depending on your order. You might don't want to miss this sick edition.
[How to order]
Please add to the cart from the button below and make payment.
Once confirmed payment, we would ship by EMS.
For any inquiry about this product, please e-mail to info@blackbooktoy.com
[Artist Profile]
1982年カリフォルニア ヴェニスビーチでMike Muir(マイク・ミューア)を中心に結成されたパンクバンド。西海岸スケートパンクの大御所。Mike Muirの実兄Jim Muirは伝説のスケートチーム、Z-BoysのオリジナルメンバーにしてDog Townの創始者である。我がBlackBook Toyが再始動させるSuicidal Tendenciesとのオフィシャルコラボフィギュア、S"K"UM-kunの展開も見逃せません!
Suicidal TendenciesオフィシャルHP